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By the end of this course you will know how to create your very own Flappy Bird game in Unity. We will be starting from complete scratch building the scene for our game then all the way through until we have complete bird movement with respawning pipes and a store functionality . 

A Flappy Bird style game is one of the most iconic mobile games of our time. It offers the player an addictive fun challenge that can be replayed over and over again. By adding high score and coin collection the player will have more incentive to play again so they can beat their last score or save up enough coins to unlock a new character to play the next time. 

If you are new to coding do not worry all scripts will be walked through for each game object and source code will be available for download.

With the steps below we will create our Flappy Bird game:

Unity mobile set up 

Import art 

Camera settings 


Main menu Ui

 Shop Ui 

Menu script 

Shop script 

Game scene 

Score counter 

Game over 

Ui Bird objects 

Bird script 

Pipe objects 

Pipe script 

Pipe spawner 

Pipe spawner script 

Final review

After completing each step above you will have your very own Flappy Bird game template and the knowledge to craft it into your own design for future game ideas.

Assets being used

Updated 3 days ago
Published 8 days ago
AuthorRed Fools Studio
Tags2D, Arcade, blocks, Flappy Bird, Pixel Art, Retro, Unity

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